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Almost 109,000 file sharing warning letters sent in 2013

  • 05.03.2014

File sharing warning letters (Abmahnung) continue to be big business. In 2013, almost 109,000 copyright infringement notices were sent. This is despite new legislation introduced in October 2013 to stop the so-called warning letter madness (Abmahnwahn).

Newspaper advertorials must be clearly labelled as advertisements

  • 25.02.2014

The German Federal Court of Justice has ruled that newspaper advertorials should be clearly labelled with the word “advertisement”.

Concerns over privacy as Facebook buys WhatsApp

  • 22.02.2014

The social media network, Facebook, has bought the messaging service WhatsApp for $19bn. With the deal comes concern over privacy and data protection. Some users have already turned their backs on the messaging service.

Soforthilfe vom Anwalt

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Can you receive two warning letters for one piece of music?

  • 19.02.2014

One of our clients has contacted us to say that he has received two warning letters for file sharing. The unusual thing about this case is that the letters relate to the same piece of music, despite one copyright holder claiming exclusive rights.

Unerlaubtes Parken auf Privatparkplätzen

  • 17.02.2014

In der Stadt sind Parkplätze rar und teuer. Da erscheint es verlockend einfach mal auf dem nächstgelegenen großen Supermarktparkplatz zu parken. Doch Autofahrer, die unberechtigt auf Privatparkplätzen, wie dem eines Supermarktes parken, müssen mit Konsequenzen rechnen. In Betracht kommt die Zahlung einer Vertragsstrafe oder auch die Pflicht eventuelle Abschleppkosten zu […]

Protection of trade secrets to strengthen under EU plans

  • 31.01.2014

Protecting trade secrets in the modern commercial world can be difficult. Across the EU there is discord as to what counts as a trade secret. While some member states have concrete definitions on the statute books, others have no clear legislative rules.

Amazon-Kontensperrungen: Verbraucherzentrale geht gegen Internet-Händler vor

  • 30.01.2014

Das Sperren von Kundenkonten aufgrund von angeblich erhöhten Retouren durch Amazon hat für erhebliche Kritik gesorgt. Jetzt geht die Verbraucherzentrale NRW gegen Amazon vor und wollen das Online-Versandhaus nach erfolgloser Abmahnung verklagen. Nach meiner Einschätzung ist diese Sperrung von Kundenkonten rechtlich sehr bedenklich.

BVerfG: Verletzung des Persönlichkeitsrechtes durch Bezeichnung als „durchgeknallte Frau“

  • 23.01.2014

Die Bezeichnung als „durchgeknallte Frau“ ist unter Umständen nicht mehr durch die Meinungsfreiheit gedeckt. Von daher sollte man mit einer derzeitigen Äußerung in den Medien oder im Internet – z.B. auf Facebook – sehr vorsichtig sein. Dies ergibt sich aus einer aktuellen Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichtes vom 11.12.2013 (Az. 1 BvR […]

File sharing: U+C’s threatened porno pillory is illegal

  • 17.01.2014

In 2012, the German law firm Urmann + Collegen threatened to publish on its website of the personal details of the people to whom it had sent file sharing warning letters. A court in Germany has ruled that such action would be illegal.

Redtube: law firm WBS presses charges in the streaming case

  • 17.01.2014

In the wake of the wave of streaming warning letters which were sent by German law firm Urmann + Collegen before Christmas, WILDE BEUGER SOLMECKE has pressed criminal charges against all those involved. Here is an overview of the legal basis.

Choice of jurisdiction still applies to old file sharing cases

  • 15.01.2014

File sharing law was recently changed in Germany. Copyright holders no longer have the option to choose the court in which to bring their copyright infringement claim. However, a court has ruled that the choice of jurisdiction still applies to old cases.

Grundsatzentscheidung des BGH zur Untervermietung an Touristen

  • 09.01.2014

Mieter dürfen ihre Wohnung nicht ohne Weiteres an Touristen untervermieten. Dies gilt normalerweise auch dann, wenn der Vermieter ihnen eine generelle Erlaubnis zur Untervermietung erteilt hat. Vielmehr muss der Vermieter hierfür eine spezielle Erlaubnis erteilen. Denn Touristen sind keine gewöhnlichen Untermieter. Dies ergibt sich aus einem aktuellen Grundsatzurteil des BGH.

Standard terms and conditions – a guide for businesses

  • 11.12.2013

Many businesses use standard terms and conditions to regulate their contractual relationships. Standard terms can make trading easier when a series of similar transactions are to be completed. Under German law there are several aspects to consider when designing standard terms.

New criteria on state aid for the film industry published

  • 21.11.2013

The European Commission has published a revised version of the so-called ‘Cinema Communication’. The communication lays down assessment criteria for state aid in the film industry, including the production of films and other audio-visual works.

OVG Münster zur E-Zigarette

  • 15.11.2013

E-Zigarette ist kein Medizinprodukt Durch E-Zigaretten werden nikotinhaltige Flüssigkeiten (sog. Liquids) verdampft und inhaliert. Diese Liquids sind keine Arzneimittel, mangels therapeutischer Wirkung. Folgerichtig sind auch E-Zigaretten selbst keine Medizinprodukte. Dies entschied das Oberverwaltungsgericht (OVG) Nordrhein-Westfalen in Münster in drei Verfahren (Az.: 13 A 2448/12, 13 A 2541/12, 13 A 1100/12) […]

VG Media calls for private broadcaster share of copyright levy

  • 14.11.2013

For years the collecting society VG Media has been calling for private broadcasters to receive a share of the copyright levy which is paid to cover the right to make private copies by individuals of copyright-protected material. VG Media’s new director recently gave the debate new impetus.

The presumption of guilt in file sharing cases

  • 14.11.2013

According to a Munich judge, the presumption of guilt in file sharing cases applies to the actual owner of the internet connection and not to those who use the connection. Find out more about the presumption of guilt in file sharing cases here.

Supermarket theft and criminal damage – legal questions answered

  • 12.11.2013

Are you allowed to try a grape in a supermarket? Can you flick through a magazine? We answer legal questions on supermarket theft and criminal damage.

Man found innocent after parking in front of speed camera sensor

  • 06.11.2013

Germany’s Federal Court of Justice ruled in a recent case that a driver who parked his van in front of a speed camera sensor so that it could no longer record people speeding was innocent of any offence (case ref.: 1 StR 469/12).

Defamation: Hotel review “chicken coop” is legal

  • 31.10.2013

A court in Germany has ruled that a hotel review describing the establishment as a “chicken coop” is acceptable. The court found that the statement did not amount to defamation (case ref.: 4 U 88/13).

How to protect yourself from online banking fraud

  • 30.10.2013

The media carries almost daily reports of phishing scams aimed at online banking customers. The fraudsters use elaborate tricks to dupe internet users. However, if you are aware of the methods used to commit online banking fraud, you can adapt and protect yourself when online.

Requiring digital fingerprints for passports is legal

  • 29.10.2013

The European Court of Justice recently held that it is legal for the authorities to require individuals to have their digital fingerprints taken before issuing a passport. The practice does infringe citizens’ personal rights, but is justified by the need to fight fraud.

Negativer Schufaeintrag bei verjährten Forderungen

  • 22.10.2013

In einer neueren Entscheidung musste sich das OLG Frankfurt mit der Frage auseinandersetzen, ob ein negativer Schufaeintrag nach der Erhebung der Verjährungseinrede statthaft ist (AZ. 23 U 68/12).

Defending against Facebook bullying – a practical challenge

  • 18.10.2013

The advantages of social networks are apparent. They allow people to stay in contact with millions of people worldwide by posting entries, links and comments. But what happens if the social network is used against you? Can you defend against Facebook bullying?

Google: Increase in copyright owner requests to delete links

  • 17.10.2013

In September 2013 Google received 21.5 million requests from copyright owners or their representatives to delete links from its search index which lead to illegal content. This represents the most requests Google has ever received.

Travel law: The rules on ticket refunds for delayed trains

  • 16.10.2013

Travel law and delayed trains: The European Court of Justice has handed down a judgment on passengers’ rights to a refund where trains are delayed by events beyond the train operators’ control. Passengers are entitled to receive a partial refund of the ticket price (26.09.2013 case ref.: C-509/11).

Lawsuit brought against doctor for posting photos on Facebook

  • 16.10.2013

A former Northwestern University student in the US has brought a lawsuit against a doctor at the Northwestern Memorial Hospital for posting photos on facebook of her which he had taken without her consent.

Class-action lawsuit against Google rejected

  • 15.10.2013

A US federal court in Delaware has rejected a class-action lawsuit against Google. A group of consumers had claimed that Google had caused them harm by circumventing the privacy settings on Apple’s web browser Safari.

E-commerce: How to design a buy now button for a website

  • 09.10.2013

Under e-commerce law, strict rules apply to the design of commercial websites. It is important that the “buy now button” is clearly visible. Recent decisions by the courts in Germany show that a strict approach is being taken.

Sixt files lawsuit against German TV licence fee

  • 09.10.2013

Several months ago, the vehicle rental company Sixt vowed to bring a court action against the new TV licence fee in Germany. The company has now filed the relevant court documents.

BGH erklärt Erbnachweisklausel in den AGB einer Sparkasse für unwirksam

  • 08.10.2013

Der u. a. für das Bankrecht zuständige XI. Zivilsenat des Bundesgerichtshofs hat aufgrund der Unterlassungsklage eines Verbraucherschutzverbands entschieden, dass die nachfolgende Bestimmung in Nr. 5 Abs. 1 (Erbnachweisklausel) der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der beklagten Sparkasse im Bankverkehr mit Privatkunden (Verbrauchern) nicht verwendet werden darf, weil sie diese unangemessen benachteiligt und deswegen […]

Right to be forgotten to become law in California

  • 27.09.2013

From 2015 minors in California will obtain the “right to be forgotten”. It means they will be able to request that content is deleted from Facebook or other similar social networks.