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Google not forced to remove search results from index

  • 05.09.2013

An attempt by a German professor to force Google to remove search results from its index which are derogatory is likely to fail.

Princess Madeleine of Sweden honeymoon photos lead to injunction

  • 05.09.2013

The husband of Princess Madeleine of Sweden, Christopher O’Neill, has taken out an injunction against the magazine Bunte after unauthorised paparazzi photos of their honeymoon were published.

German copyright law under scrutiny in 2013 election

  • 03.09.2013

If there is one thing the German political parties of the 2013 federal elections agree on, it’s that German copyright law needs to be reformed. Current rules are sometimes difficult to apply to new internet-based behaviour. However, no party seems capable of presenting a clear concept.

Soforthilfe vom Anwalt

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Berlin court questions jurisdiction rules in file sharing cases

  • 03.09.2013

In German file sharing cases claimants are currently free to choose the court in which to bring their claim. For the individuals accused of file sharing, this means travelling many miles to defend their cases. A court in Berlin has now questioned the justification for such jurisdiction rules.

Facebook answers only 37% of government information requests

  • 02.09.2013

Facebook has published its Global Government Requests Report. The report details the number of requests for information the social network receives from governments around the world. From the data it is clear that Facebook is reluctant to answer German government requests, as it responds to just over one third of […]

Windows 8: Microsoft seeks injunction against Zeit Online

  • 02.09.2013

Microsoft has sought an injunction against the German online newspaper, Zeit Online, after it published misleading facts about security concerns in relation to Windows 8. The paper reported that the German government had issued a warning against using the operating system.

Bundesgerichtshof bestätigt Verurteilung eines Bürgermeisters wegen Vortäuschens einer Straftat

  • 02.09.2013

Das Landgericht Waldshut-Tiengen hat den Angeklagten, den Bürgermeister einer Gemeinde in Baden-Württemberg, wegen Vortäuschens einer Straftat zu einer Geldstrafe von 180 Tagessätzen zu je 100 € verurteilt. Soweit ihm darüber hinaus Betrug in sechs Fällen durch Einreichung von Rechnungen für medizinisch nicht indizierte Behandlungen zur Last gelegt worden war, hat […]

File sharing: No computer? No Wi-Fi? No liability!

  • 30.08.2013

A pensioner who was accused of breaching copyright through the use of file sharing websites has been found not guilty. And rightly so: the lady possessed neither a computer nor a wireless router.

Political parties wrangle over controversial TV licence fee

  • 30.08.2013

In January 2013 a new TV licence fee model was introduced in Germany. The topic is the subject of controversy, with businesses threatening to challenge the fee in the constitutional courts. With election fever now gripping Germany, the political parties have waded into the debate.

Gewöhnliches Handy eventuell als Störsender einsetzbar

  • 30.08.2013

Bereits mit einem normalen Handy kann laut einer aktuellen Studie ein Störsender betrieben werden. Dieser kann angeblich sogar zu einem Ausfall des Mobilfunknetzes in einer größeren Region führen, sofern die Attacke mit mehreren Mobilfunktelefonen betrieben wird. Vor dem Ausprobieren muss allerdings aus rechtlichen Gründen gewarnt werden.

Facebook relaxes rules on contests and promotions

  • 30.08.2013

Facebook recently relaxed its rules on contests and promotions to make it easier for businesses to promote their products. While many businesses welcome the simplified measures, there are legal aspects to consider.

Microsoft to change name of Skydrive

  • 20.08.2013

After losing a trademark dispute with the British Sky Broadcasting Group plc, Microsoft has agreed to change the name of its Skydrive cloud service.

Renewed warning about PayPal phishing e-mail

  • 19.08.2013

Recent studies show that 750 new phishing websites are discovered daily. As one of the most popular online payment services, PayPal is a prime target for hackers. Now online consumers are reporting of a new PayPal phishing e-mail scam.

Google warned over dead-end enquiries inbox

  • 19.08.2013

The German Federation of Consumer Associations has sent a warning letter to Google about its dead-end customer enquiries e-mail address.

German government proposes amendments to Designs Act

  • 15.08.2013

The German government has published proposals to amend Germany’s Designs Act. The language of the current act will be adapted to international parlance and a new procedure for challenging the validity of designs will be introduced.

Piraten legen Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen Neuregelung des Telekommunikationsgesetzes in §113 TGK ein

  • 13.08.2013

Seit Ende Juni 2013 ist die Änderung des TKG in Kraft getreten und stößt unter anderem bei der Piraten Partei auf Widerstand. Diese haben nun Verfassungsbeschwerde in Karlsruhe gegen die Regelung zur Speicherung und Herausgabe von Kundendaten im Telekommunikationsgesetz eingereicht.

Tchibo suspends accounts too!

  • 12.08.2013

After customers expressed anger at their Amazon accounts being suspended without warning, it has become clear that Tchibo also closes accounts if consumers return too many products.

OLG Bamberg: Verkehrssicherungspflicht-Keine Haftung für Sturz auf erkennbar frisch gewischter Treppe

  • 08.08.2013

„Achtung, Rutschgefahr!“ oder „caution, slippery when wet! . Diesen Warnhinweis findet man oftmals bei frisch gewischten Böden am Flughafen oder im Schwimmbad. Doch sind die Reinigungsfirmen tatsächlich verpflichtet, solche Warnschilder aufzustellen? Das Oberlandesgericht Bamberg hat in seinem Beschluss vom 20.03.2013 (Az. 6 U 5/13) zur Frage der Verkehrssicherungspflicht bei einer […]

Amazon sticks to its guns on account closures

  • 07.08.2013

Wilde Beuger Solmecke recently explained why Amazon’s aggressive tactic of closing customer accounts without warning is unlawful. One person contacted Amazon using the arguments we suggested and asked for his account to be re-activated. The reply he received is striking.

Victory Outreach accuses Twitter of trademark infringement

  • 05.08.2013

The international ministry, Victory Outreach International, has accused Twitter of contributing to the infringement of its trademark rights by refusing to delete the username @VICTORYOUTREACH. The civil action has been brought before a court in Missouri USA.

Bushido’s premises raided

  • 01.08.2013

Following criticism of German rapper Bushido’s new music video, “Stress without reason”, Berlin’s prosecution service has now commenced criminal proceedings. In light of the unacceptable lyrics in the video, the rapper should do well to anticipate civil consequences as well.

Die Verwertung von privaten Videoaufnahmen vor deutschen Gerichten

  • 01.08.2013

Ob privat angefertigte Videoaufnahmen in ein Gerichtsverfahren eingebracht werden können hängt von einer Interessenabwägung ab. Gleiches gilt auch für Tonbandaufnahmen. Besonderes Gewicht wird dabei den Persönlichkeitsrechten der betroffenen Personen zugemessen. Nach einer Entscheidung des AG München vom 06.06.2013 (Az. 343 C 4445/13) kann die Verwertung dann zulässig sein, wenn zum […]

German copyright law: Rivva to deactivate snippets

  • 30.07.2013

Germany’s controversial ancillary copyright legislation (Leistungsschutzgesetz) comes into effect on 1st August 2013. The legislation brings with it uncertainty which has led many online content aggregators to remove snippets from their websites.

Google denounces auto-complete trial as unfair

  • 30.07.2013

Google has denounced a judgment (14.05.2013 Az. VI ZR 269/12) holding the technology company liable for its auto-complete function. It has emerged in a recently published decision, that Google challenged Germany’s Federal Court of Justice (BGH) judgment on fair trial grounds, but lost.

Judgment forcing Yahoo to take part in PRISM to be made public

  • 19.07.2013

Details of how Yahoo was forced by a court order to participate in the US intelligence surveillance programme, PRISM, are to be made public.

Apple guilty of e-book price fixing

  • 19.07.2013

In 2010 Apple was accused of conspiring with numerous publishers to artificially and illegally keep the price of e-books high. Now, a New York court has ruled that Apple played a central role in leading the price-fixing racket.

Prohibition on aiming internet advertising at children

  • 19.07.2013

Germany’s Federal Court of Justice has ruled that internet advertising aimed at children is prohibited. It is now illegal, for example, to aim internet advertising for toys directly at children (17.07.2013 Az. I ZR 34/12).

Holiday home owner not liable for guest’s file sharing

  • 18.07.2013

The regional court in Frankfurt recently ruled that holiday home owners cannot always be held liable for a guest’s file sharing activities, even if they own the internet connection (28.06.2013 Az. 2-06 O 304/12).

File sharing: RTL sends file sharing warning letters

  • 18.07.2013

The media group RTL has recently started sending warning letters for alleged copyright infringements. The warning letters concern the TV series “Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten”. Recipients of the letters should not be intimidated into reacting too briskly.

Number of file sharing claims rises dramatically

  • 17.07.2013

Many people in Germany receive warning letters for allegedly illegally exchanging copyright-protected material on file sharing websites. According to new statistics for the first half of 2013, the number of file sharing court claims has now risen dramatically.

Tougher penalties for cybercrime in EU

  • 16.07.2013

On 4th July 2013, the European Parliament voted in favour of a draft legislative proposal calling for tough new measures against cybercrime. The new rules will introduce minimum sentences for cybercriminals and better cooperation between member states.

Rapper Bushido faces the music for crossing the line

  • 16.07.2013

The new music video from Bushido entitled “Stress without reason” has been sharply criticised. In light of the extreme lyrics, many believe the boundary to freedom of speech has been crossed and that the German rapper should face criminal and civil consequences.