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Google: Increase in copyright owner requests to delete links

  • 17.10.2013

In September 2013 Google received 21.5 million requests from copyright owners or their representatives to delete links from its search index which lead to illegal content. This represents the most requests Google has ever received.

Travel law: The rules on ticket refunds for delayed trains

  • 16.10.2013

Travel law and delayed trains: The European Court of Justice has handed down a judgment on passengers’ rights to a refund where trains are delayed by events beyond the train operators’ control. Passengers are entitled to receive a partial refund of the ticket price (26.09.2013 case ref.: C-509/11).

Lawsuit brought against doctor for posting photos on Facebook

  • 16.10.2013

A former Northwestern University student in the US has brought a lawsuit against a doctor at the Northwestern Memorial Hospital for posting photos on facebook of her which he had taken without her consent.

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Class-action lawsuit against Google rejected

  • 15.10.2013

A US federal court in Delaware has rejected a class-action lawsuit against Google. A group of consumers had claimed that Google had caused them harm by circumventing the privacy settings on Apple’s web browser Safari.

E-commerce: How to design a buy now button for a website

  • 09.10.2013

Under e-commerce law, strict rules apply to the design of commercial websites. It is important that the “buy now button” is clearly visible. Recent decisions by the courts in Germany show that a strict approach is being taken.

Sixt files lawsuit against German TV licence fee

  • 09.10.2013

Several months ago, the vehicle rental company Sixt vowed to bring a court action against the new TV licence fee in Germany. The company has now filed the relevant court documents.

BGH erklärt Erbnachweisklausel in den AGB einer Sparkasse für unwirksam

  • 08.10.2013

Der u. a. für das Bankrecht zuständige XI. Zivilsenat des Bundesgerichtshofs hat aufgrund der Unterlassungsklage eines Verbraucherschutzverbands entschieden, dass die nachfolgende Bestimmung in Nr. 5 Abs. 1 (Erbnachweisklausel) der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen der beklagten Sparkasse im Bankverkehr mit Privatkunden (Verbrauchern) nicht verwendet werden darf, weil sie diese unangemessen benachteiligt und deswegen […]

Right to be forgotten to become law in California

  • 27.09.2013

From 2015 minors in California will obtain the “right to be forgotten”. It means they will be able to request that content is deleted from Facebook or other similar social networks.

An Egyptian court bans four TV stations

  • 26.09.2013

Positive reporting about the Muslim Brotherhood led an Egyptian court to ban four TV stations.

Copyright: Bundesrat approves proposal on orphan works

  • 25.09.2013

Germany’s Upper House, the Bundesrat, has approved draft legislation on orphan works. The law will make it easier for public institutions to digitalise orphan works and to place them on the internet.

Can you be liable if you don’t know what file sharing is?

  • 23.09.2013

A court in Germany has held that if a person does not know what file sharing is they cannot be held liable for related alleged copyright infringements.

ARD and Producers’ Alliance agree transparency strategy

  • 23.09.2013

German public broadcaster ARD is continuing its efforts to boost transparency. It has joined forces with the German Producers Alliance to publish a new transparency and anti-corruption code of practice.

Bundesgerichtshof entscheidet erneut zu Schadensersatzklagen von Lehman-Anlegern

  • 17.09.2013

Der u. a. für das Bankrecht zuständige XI. Zivilsenat des Bundesgerichtshofs hat sich in einem weiteren Verfahren erneut mit der Schadensersatzklage eines Anlegers im Zusammenhang mit dem Erwerb von Zertifikaten der niederländischen Tochtergesellschaft der US-amerikanischen Investmentbank Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. befasst. Der Kläger erwarb im Dezember 2007 von der beklagten […]

TV licence fee: data collection rule partially illegal

  • 16.09.2013

Since its introduction in January 2013, Germany’s new TV licence fee has been sharply criticised. Now a court in Germany has ruled that the method used to collect citizens’ personal data is partially illegal.

Disagreement about second publishing rights in Germany

  • 11.09.2013

A draft law on second publishing rights for scientific articles is currently being debated in Germany. The Coalition for Action “Copyright for Education and Research” recently called on Germany’s Upper House the Bundesrat to reject the proposals.

Facebook: freedom of expression vs. untrue statements

  • 10.09.2013

The Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt, Germany, recently analysed the legal position concerning negative postings on Facebook (25.04.2013, 16 W 21/13). The court had to balance the competing legal concepts of the right to freedom of expression and untrue statements of fact.

Google and Microsoft sue US government over data requests

  • 05.09.2013

Google and Microsoft are suing the US government for more transparency concerning government data requests, it has been announced. The companies believe the government should publish information on the how often it makes data requests and what kind of data is sought.

Google not forced to remove search results from index

  • 05.09.2013

An attempt by a German professor to force Google to remove search results from its index which are derogatory is likely to fail.

Princess Madeleine of Sweden honeymoon photos lead to injunction

  • 05.09.2013

The husband of Princess Madeleine of Sweden, Christopher O’Neill, has taken out an injunction against the magazine Bunte after unauthorised paparazzi photos of their honeymoon were published.

German copyright law under scrutiny in 2013 election

  • 03.09.2013

If there is one thing the German political parties of the 2013 federal elections agree on, it’s that German copyright law needs to be reformed. Current rules are sometimes difficult to apply to new internet-based behaviour. However, no party seems capable of presenting a clear concept.

Berlin court questions jurisdiction rules in file sharing cases

  • 03.09.2013

In German file sharing cases claimants are currently free to choose the court in which to bring their claim. For the individuals accused of file sharing, this means travelling many miles to defend their cases. A court in Berlin has now questioned the justification for such jurisdiction rules.

Facebook answers only 37% of government information requests

  • 02.09.2013

Facebook has published its Global Government Requests Report. The report details the number of requests for information the social network receives from governments around the world. From the data it is clear that Facebook is reluctant to answer German government requests, as it responds to just over one third of […]

Windows 8: Microsoft seeks injunction against Zeit Online

  • 02.09.2013

Microsoft has sought an injunction against the German online newspaper, Zeit Online, after it published misleading facts about security concerns in relation to Windows 8. The paper reported that the German government had issued a warning against using the operating system.

Bundesgerichtshof bestätigt Verurteilung eines Bürgermeisters wegen Vortäuschens einer Straftat

  • 02.09.2013

Das Landgericht Waldshut-Tiengen hat den Angeklagten, den Bürgermeister einer Gemeinde in Baden-Württemberg, wegen Vortäuschens einer Straftat zu einer Geldstrafe von 180 Tagessätzen zu je 100 € verurteilt. Soweit ihm darüber hinaus Betrug in sechs Fällen durch Einreichung von Rechnungen für medizinisch nicht indizierte Behandlungen zur Last gelegt worden war, hat […]

Gewöhnliches Handy eventuell als Störsender einsetzbar

  • 30.08.2013

Bereits mit einem normalen Handy kann laut einer aktuellen Studie ein Störsender betrieben werden. Dieser kann angeblich sogar zu einem Ausfall des Mobilfunknetzes in einer größeren Region führen, sofern die Attacke mit mehreren Mobilfunktelefonen betrieben wird. Vor dem Ausprobieren muss allerdings aus rechtlichen Gründen gewarnt werden.

Facebook relaxes rules on contests and promotions

  • 30.08.2013

Facebook recently relaxed its rules on contests and promotions to make it easier for businesses to promote their products. While many businesses welcome the simplified measures, there are legal aspects to consider.

File sharing: No computer? No Wi-Fi? No liability!

  • 30.08.2013

A pensioner who was accused of breaching copyright through the use of file sharing websites has been found not guilty. And rightly so: the lady possessed neither a computer nor a wireless router.

Political parties wrangle over controversial TV licence fee

  • 30.08.2013

In January 2013 a new TV licence fee model was introduced in Germany. The topic is the subject of controversy, with businesses threatening to challenge the fee in the constitutional courts. With election fever now gripping Germany, the political parties have waded into the debate.

Microsoft to change name of Skydrive

  • 20.08.2013

After losing a trademark dispute with the British Sky Broadcasting Group plc, Microsoft has agreed to change the name of its Skydrive cloud service.

Renewed warning about PayPal phishing e-mail

  • 19.08.2013

Recent studies show that 750 new phishing websites are discovered daily. As one of the most popular online payment services, PayPal is a prime target for hackers. Now online consumers are reporting of a new PayPal phishing e-mail scam.

Google warned over dead-end enquiries inbox

  • 19.08.2013

The German Federation of Consumer Associations has sent a warning letter to Google about its dead-end customer enquiries e-mail address.

German government proposes amendments to Designs Act

  • 15.08.2013

The German government has published proposals to amend Germany’s Designs Act. The language of the current act will be adapted to international parlance and a new procedure for challenging the validity of designs will be introduced.