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BGH zu den Anforderungen an arglistiges Verschweigen bezüglich fehlender Baugenehmigung

  • 19.06.2013

Der Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) in Karlsruhe hat entschieden, dass eine fehlende Baugenehmigung regelmäßig einen Sachmangel des veräußerten Wohnungseigentums darstellt (Urt. v. 12.04.2013, Az. V ZR 266/11). Der Grund wird darin gesehen, dass die Baubehörde die Nutzung der Wohnung bis zur Erteilung der erforderlichen Genehmigung untersagen kann.

School children suffer increasingly from cyber bullying

  • 29.05.2013

New statistics published by the Association Against Cyber Bullying in Germany show that school children are increasingly falling victim to cyber bullying. The study shows that one in six school children suffer from cyber bullying.

Leitfaden für Politiker im sozialen Netzwerk

  • 28.05.2013

Facebook hat bei einer Veranstaltung in Berlin einen Leitfaden für Politiker vorgestellt. Darin wirbt Facebook wie politische Inhalte vorteilhaft auf der eigenen Website dargestellt werden können.

Soforthilfe vom Anwalt

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Emphasising monthly instalments breaches German competition law

  • 25.05.2013

A court in Germany has ruled that drawing consumers’ attention to the price of a product through over-emphasising monthly instalment amounts breaches German competition law.

German law on rent deposits and guarantees

  • 23.05.2013

Many residential and commercial tenancy agreements contain mechanisms for protecting a landlord from economic risks. Usually tenants are required to pay a rent deposit or arrange a third-party guarantee. German law attempts to strike a balance between protecting the interests of of both landlords and tenants.

Employment law: Employee dismissed for smoking in the workplace

  • 17.05.2013

A court in Germany has held that under German employment law, employers are entitled to dismiss employees without notice for smoking in the workplace.

BGH: Versandapotheke darf keine kostenpflichtige Hotline nutzen und als Gerichtsstand keinen ausländischen Staat wählen

  • 01.05.2013

Der BGH musste sich in seinem Urteil vom 19. Juli 2012 (Az.: I ZR 40/11) mit den Fragen auseinandersetzen, ob eine niederländische Versandapotheke eine kostenpflichtige Beratungshotline schalten darf und ob in den Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) der Unternehmenssitz als Gerichtstand gewählt werden darf.

Kampf gegen Datensammler – neue Datenschutzverordnung soll Rechte der User stärken

  • 30.04.2013

Facebook, Google und Co. sind mittlerweile so mit dem täglichen Leben von Millionen von Menschen verbunden, dass diese Dienste nicht mehr wegzudenken sind. Social Networking gehört einfach dazu. Datenschutz – ein schneller Klick und das Thema ist abgehakt Jedem, der das Internet nutzt, ist sie schon einmal begegnet. Ob man […]

SEO and the law

  • 24.04.2013

Search engine marketing or search engine optimisation is becoming an important part of any business marketing strategy. Many internet users, consumers rarely go directly to a website. Instead, they let search engines such as Google or Yahoo do the work of finding a website.

Consumer protection: hiding prices in small print breaches German competition law

  • 23.04.2013

The Regional Appeal Court of Cologne has ruled that displaying prices in small footnotes can breach German competition law (Az.: 6U 114/12). Prices on advertising posters must be clearly visible to the consumer when standing in front of then.

Negative pay as you go balances ruled unfair

  • 20.04.2013

Judges in Germany have ruled that mobile phone companies are no longer permitted to require customers to immediately repay negative pay as you go balances.

Schufa: consumer wins compensation for illegal entry

  • 20.04.2013

A company in Germany has been ordered to pay compensation after illegally passing on consumer personal data to the German credit rating agency Schufa. A court ruled that the company breached strict legal requirements for transferring personal data by failing to give prior warning to the consumer.

Google fined for breaching data protection legislation

  • 20.04.2013

Google has admitted breaching privacy legislation by collecting personal data without authorisation. While capturing images for its Street View service, Google collected passwords, e-mail addresses and other private information through unencrypted Wi-Fi networks.

Unberechtigter Schufa-Eintrag: Kunde steht Schadensersatz zu

  • 19.04.2013

Wenn ein Unternehmen bei Unstimmigkeiten voreilig Daten an Auskunfteien wie die Schufa übermittelt, bekommt es schnell Ärger. Die Firma muss damit rechnen, dass der Kunde sie auf Schadensersatz wegen des unberechtigten Schufa-Eintrags in Anspruch nimmt. Dies ergibt sich aus der neuesten Rechtsprechung.

File sharing: do parents have to monitor their children?

  • 17.04.2013

In November 2012 the German Federal Supreme Court reached the landmark decision that parents are not obliged to constantly monitor their children’s internet usage to prevent copyright infringements.

Court rules on the use of the slogan “Made in Germany”

  • 16.04.2013

Does your business use the slogan “Made in Germany” to advertise its products? A German court has ruled that it is misleading to use of the slogan “Made in Germany” where products are predominantly produced in another country (OLG Hamm 20.11.2012 – Az. I – 4 U 95/12).

Competition law: misleading pricing practices

  • 16.04.2013

Does your business use the word “from” to advertise its prices (for example “from €14.99”)? In a recent decision, a German court held that such pricing strategies mislead consumers and breach German competition law.

LG Gießen: Haftung für Missbrauch von eBay-Account

  • 15.04.2013

Inwieweit haftet der Inhaber eines eBay-Kontos, wenn Dritte unbefugt Zugriff auf sein Konto nimmt und es für unbefugte Bestellungen missbraucht? Eine Haftung scheidet hier normalerweise aus. Hierauf verweist das Landgericht Gießen.

Warning letters sent for misuse of stock photos

  • 09.04.2013

For a small fee or sometimes even for free, stock photo agencies such as Fotolia offer the use of professional photographs. However, restrictions can often apply to the use of downloaded photos and reference to the copyright holder must almost always be made.

Lengthy prison sentence for ringleader of hacker gang

  • 09.04.2013

Cybercrime – A 34 year old man from Bonn has been sentenced to six years in prison for five hundred instances of fraud and falsifying documents. The man, a ringleader of a gang of four hackers, stole T-Online customer data and credit card data to shop online.

ECJ rules on unfair terms in special consumer gas contracts

  • 09.04.2013

In a preliminary ruling, the European Court of Justice has found that the transfer of standard terms and conditions from consumer gas contracts into “special” consumer gas contracts is illegal (Az. C-92/11).

Resale of digital music files breaches copyright

  • 09.04.2013

A US court has declared the resale of used digital music files to be illegal on the grounds that it breaches copyright law.

Prohibition on cold calling applies to charities too

  • 09.04.2013

Do you regularly receive cold calls? In a recent decision the Regional Appeal Court of Cologne ruled that the prohibition on cold calling applies to charities too. Read more here!

ProSiebenSat.1 hält an DVB-T fest

  • 04.04.2013

Nachdem die RTL Group angekündigt hat, die DVB-T-Verbreitung ihrer Sender aus Kostengründen nach Ablauf der Verträge nicht mehr fortsetzen zu wollen, hat ProSiebenSat.1 nun bekannt gegeben, auch weiterhin an der terrestrischen Übertragung der Programme festhalten zu wollen.

EuGH erklärt Klausel-Übertrag in Gasverträgen für nichtig

  • 03.04.2013

Der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) in Luxemburg hat den Übertrag von Klauseln aus Standardgasverträgen in Sonderverträge als nicht rechtmäßig erklärt (Az. C-92/11).

Cyber-attack on Apple

  • 28.03.2013

The technology company Apple has fallen victim to a cyber-attack. Hackers managed to break their way into the company’s computer systems.

E-commerce and consumer rights: exercising the right of withdrawal

  • 27.03.2013

Under plans to implement the EU’s directive on consumer rights, online businesses will once again have to modify the information given to consumers about exercising the right of withdrawal from a contract.

European Court of Human Rights rejects Pirate Bay appeal

  • 25.03.2013

The founders of the file sharing website, The Pirate Bay, have lost their appeal against convictions for aiding the commission of copyright infringements.

Implementing the EU’s directive on consumer rights: room for improvement

  • 20.03.2013

At the end of last year, Germany’s Federal Ministry of Justice published a draft law designed to implement the EU’s directive on consumer rights. We have published a number of articles on this topic. Now, Germany’s upper house of parliament, the Bundesrat, has published recommendations for improvements.

Groupon-Rechnungen erweisen sich als Trojaner

  • 20.03.2013

Empfänger von gefälschten Rechnungen des Rabatt-Unternehmens Groupon, die sie per E-Mail zugesendet bekommen, sollen derzeit dazu gebracht werden, einen verseuchten Anhang zu öffnen. Hinter dieser Masche verbergen sich Online-Verbrecher, die die Opfer bei Öffnung des Anhangs erpressen.

Protection against improper business practices

  • 20.03.2013

The German government has approved plans to protect consumers and small businesses from unfair and improper business practices. Under the draft law, which will now pass to Germany’s lower house (the Bundestag), costs of so called warning letters will be capped, cold calling will be restricted and debt collection processes […]

Implementing the EU’s directive on consumer rights – part 2

  • 20.03.2013

One area the Federal Ministry of Justice’s current working draft implementing the EU’s directive on consumer rights addresses is pricing transparency. When receiving online purchase orders, traders will be required to clearly state any fees charged for choosing particular payment methods. This means consumers will be protected from hidden charges.